Log in

Use your FMT Account


First Time Logging In?

All active FMT clients have an account already. Please follow these 3 steps:

  1. Confirm your email address:
    • Please click the "(Re)send email confirmation" link below the Log In button.
    • We will send an email confirmation to the email address you provide - make sure it's the one registered with FMT. Please click on the link in that email. NOTE: If you don't see this email in your Inbox, please check your Spam/Junk Mail folder.
  2. Once you've confirmed your email address, you can now reset your password:
    • Click the login link on the top right and then click the "Forgot Your Password?" link to reset your password.
    • You will receive a Password Reset email. Please click on the link in that email to reset your password.
  3. Login with your confirmed email address and your new password.